Custom links

Custom links are short, easy-to-remember links that point to a tournament, series or user profile.

When you create a custom link you pick a word or short phrase along with a destination for that link, for example a tournament. People can then go to that destination by going to followed by the phrase you entered. For example, if your phrase is my-tournament people will be able to go to the destination you picked by going to

Custom links can point to a variety of destinations.

Specific tournament

The custom link will send people to a specific tournament you pick.

Specific series

The custom link will send people to a specific series you pick.

Automatic to newest tournament

The custom link will send people to the newest tournament organized by you. Using this feature, you can have one easy-to-remember link that never changes but always sends people to your tournament.

Automatic to newest series

Works just like above, but will send people to the newest series organized by you.

Your user profile

The custom link will send people to your user profile.

There are three ways to create custom links:

From a tournament

If you have opened a tournament and want to create a custom link for it, go the Overview tab and click the Create link link in the sidebar under the Custom link heading.

From a series

If you have opened a series and want to create a custom link for it, go the Configuration tab and click the Create link link under the Custom link heading.

From the main menu

Open the main menu and click on the Custom links menu option. This will show you all custom links you've created. Click the Add custom link button to create a custom link.

Custom links all come with a QR code. On the Custom links page, click the QR code link. From a tournament or series, click the link itself to show the QR code. You can copy or print this QR code if you need it for a flyer or other advertising.

Last updated