Prize pools

Match Play provides a flexible system to setting up and automatically calculate prize pools for tournaments. You can access the prize pools feature by opening your tournament, going to the Overview tab and then selecting the Prize pools sub-tab.

Setting up the prize pools

The prize pool configuration page lets you setup the funding, expenses, prize pool distributions and potential bounties.

Funding and expenses

The two funding inputs determine how money is added to the prize pool. The per player funding number is multiplied by the number of players in the tournament. Typically you'd enter the cost to participate in the tournament (if you charge $10 to enter, put 10 into the field). The fixed funding field lets you add additional funds to the prize pool.

Expenses are setup the same way, but they subtract funding from the prize pool. The per player expense you can use to deduct an amount for each player. For example, enter a 1 to deduct the IFPA player fee. A fixed expense field lets you remove additional funds. For example, the cost of trophies or any other costs from running the tournament.

Currency, rounding, visibility

A few settings apply to all prize pools. You can change the currency symbol from a $ to your local currency and specify how to do rounding. Finally you can make the prize pool private if you don't want players to see it.

Prize distributions

You may setup one or more prize pools in the prize distributions section. Many tournaments only need a single prize pool but if you're giving out prizes for an A Division and a B Division you would set that up as two separate prize pools.

For each prize pool you decide how many placements to award prizes to and for each one which percentage of the prize pool the placement should receive.

You may also add an extra prize to a placement. You can type anything in the extra field from "A NIB Stern" to "A chocolate chip cookie".

Finally, you may adjust the prize up or down for each placement. This can help you manually adjust the prizes to get more round numbers, if you wish.


Bounties are extra prizes awarded outside the main prize pool. These can be anything you want. For each one you can enter both a monetary prize and a description. If your bounties have no monetary value, leave the field blank.

Saving your favorites

After you have configured your prize pool you may save it as a favorite. Saving the prize pool configuration as a favorite will make it possible to add it to subsequent tournaments with a single click. You may save up to five prize pool configurations as favorites.

Standalone prize pool tool

A standalone prize pool tool is available if you want to test out the prize pool feature without having to create a tournament. You may access it here:

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