Event listings

With a Match Play event listing, you won't have to create a website or Facebook event for your weekend of tournaments. Event listings link directly to the tournaments and can be customized with a description, links to your stream or ticket provider, a banner image and more.

Finding events

Click on Events in the sidebar menu. You'll be taken to a list of upcoming events, and you can use the tabs to switch to see events you're following, events you're organizing or an archive of past events.

If you're interested in an event listing, click the Follow event button so you can find it again easily.

Creating and publishing event listings

Click Create event listing in the sidebar menu to create a new event listing. You can fill out various data about your event. Leave blank anything that isn't relevant. For example, if you're not selling tickets to your event ahead of time, you can skip filling in a registration date.

You may also customize the layout of your event listing by switching between stacked and tabs layouts as well as specifying the order of the various sections.

Saving the event listing will create a draft listing. The public can't view it yet. You still need to add tournaments, a description and maybe some links (see below).

Once you've saved your event listing, you can click the Preview button to see a preview of what your event listing looks like. When viewing the preview, click on the Configure button to switch back to the event listing configuration page.

When you're happy with how your event listing looks, click the Publish button to make it available to the public. In order to be published, your event listing must have a description, a location and a contact e-mail.

Adding a description

Click the Edit button in the description section to add or change the description for your event listing. You may use Markdown to format your description.

If your description is long, it may be overwhelming to see on the event listing. If that's the case, check the Show short preview checkbox and the event listing will only display the first paragraph of your description and include a show more link for people to view your entire description.

Adding tournaments

Your event listing can contain links to all your tournaments, including tournaments not hosted by Match Play Events.

To add Match Play Events tournament, scroll down to the Tournaments section and click the Add button. A dialog will open where you can search your own tournaments and add them. If your event has tournaments organized by different people (maybe a side tournament is organized by someone else), switch to the All tournaments tab in the dialog and you can add a tournament organized by someone else.

You can add tournaments organized elsewhere by clicking the Add external button. On the form that follows, you have to fill in the tournament name, date and a link (typically the link to DTM).

Labels, TGP and player limits

Click the Actions button next to a tournament to add additional information about that tournament. You can use labels to group tournaments together. You could, for example, use labels to highlight which tournament is the main tournament, which are women's events and which are warm-up tournaments outside the main events.

You can also specify the TGP for a tournament and specify the player limit, if your tournaments have one.

Your event listing can contain any number of links that are relevant to your event. You could, for example, create links to your own website, your ticketing website or your stream.

Two link types are special. If you're linking to your registration or ticketing provider, make sure to check the This is a registration link checkbox. Then your link will be displayed as a button at the top of the listing.

If you're linking to a Twitch or YouTube stream, channel or video; you may check the Embed video checkbox. If checked, the video or stream will be embedded directly on the page. You can use this to promote your stream or create a video archive once the event is over.

Last updated

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